jQuery Sortables: Getting DOM element position for an efficient ajax update...
The jQuery UI library has some excellent interaction functionality, especially ‘sortables’ to make cool things like rearrangeable lists. Although there are lots of tutorials on sortable lists, one...
View ArticleUnobtrusive RESTful jQuery
Many Rails(and non-Rails) web applications these days strive to create RESTful interfaces for their application design. When dealing with Ajax updates through jQuery, this can become somewhat tricky....
View ArticleMunin Graphs for Phusion Passenger (a.k.a. mod_rails)
The goal of this article is to get fairly nice looking graphs of Phusion Passenger’s performance and memory metrics: This specific setup focuses on CentOS (on cPanel none the less) – but instructions...
View ArticleRails autocompletion in MacVim when using Macports
In moving much of my development over to OS X, I started receiving errors when trying to use vim’s omnicompletion in Rails projects. An excerpt from my vim config to enable that functionality looks...
View ArticleHigh Quality Ruby on Rails Example Applications
Sometimes to best way to get up to speed with a new technology is learning by example. I have compiled a list of fully featured, production ready example applications that I consider to be of very...
View ArticleRails 2.3.4 and SWFUpload – Rack Middleware for Flash Uploads that Degrade...
Browser upload controls have been pretty much the same for years. They are very difficult to style, and do not look consistent across browsers. Perhaps the biggest issue with them is they provide no...
View ArticleMonitoring delayed_job with god on CentOS
I recently started using god rather than monit for process monitoring. god lets me be a bit more expressive with how I want processes monitored using the the power of Ruby. The current project I am...
View ArticleVim Tips for Ruby (and your wrists)
Each time I am forced to type non-alpha-numeric characters during a coding session I feel that the flow and speed of my typing suffers. Not to mention depending on the size of your hands and how...
View ArticleMaking monit, delayed_job, and bundler play nice together
Recently I was having a heck of a time getting monit to start my delayed_job instances. I was using the monit template that came with delayed job, it looks something like this: check process...
View ArticlePretty Paging in Rails Console
When using irb or Rails console I use the awesome_print gem to get nicer colorized output. I also like to use looksee to examine method lookup paths which the gem colorizes nicely. For large objects...
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